Live Streaming > Spotlights

直播服务正在挑战在线视频和OTT的极限, 现场活动仍然是衡量行业成功与否的标准. Look here for the latest news on live streaming trends, 以及从现场制作到现场线性频道的所有操作和技术文章.

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流媒体2024年趋势引领者:Interra Systems的猎户座- OTT

Quality Assurance of ABR Streams

Hot Products: OBSBOT Tail Air AI-Powered PTZ Streaming Camera

OBSBOT的旗舰产品Tail Air ai驱动的PTZ流媒体摄像机可提供每秒30帧的4K视频或每秒60帧的1080p高清视频,具有清晰的视觉质量. Its large 2-micron pixel size, 1/1.8英寸CMOS传感器和先进的相机组件使更高的质量, 更明亮的帧和更精细的细节,更少的视频噪点,即使在挑战, dimly lit environments.

Introducing OBSBOT Tail Air and Tiny 2 (Live Demos)

OBSBOT开发人工智能增强相机,帮助AV和流媒体专业人士有效地创建令人惊叹的直播. 旗舰Tail Air 4K PTZ流媒体摄像机结合了卓越的视觉质量, outstanding low-light performance, NDI HX3 support, and flexible connectivity in a compact form factor, while the Tiny 2 4K camera has ushered in a new era of webcams. 本次会议包括Tail Air和Tiny 2的演示,并探讨了它们如何适应流媒体生态系统.


尝试自定义实时媒体工作流是一项极其复杂的任务, and Norsk is all about that--now more than ever, with the impending launch of the no-code Norsk Studio.


A conversation with Teradek and BC Live Productions

技术谈话:与AJA的Mike Boucke一起充分利用BRIDGE LIVE

从促进现场活动流媒体到远程制作等, AJA的多通道超高清和高清直播视频解决方案BRIDGE live支持广泛的流媒体和贡献编解码器. 加入AJA产品经理Mike Boucke,了解更多关于这款强大设备的信息,以及它为直播工作流提供的所有功能——从超低延迟到对NDI的支持等等.

Telestream Wirecast 16和下一代专业直播软件

Telestream recently released Wirecast 16. 这个演示突出了最近发布的一些功能,Telestream认为这些功能将会改变直播制作的游戏规则.


Vindral: Reliable & Scalable Ultra Low Latency Video Playback

Robert Reinhardt解释了为什么WebSockets技术可能是直播的最佳选择,以及为什么Vindral在低延迟市场中被定位为首屈一指的CDN.

Hot Products: Magewell

Magewell's new Director Mini all-in-one, portable production solution combines multi-input switching, 图形, streaming, recording and monitoring in one compact device. 它使单个操作员能够轻松地为现场活动报道创建视觉上引人注目的产品, remote production feeds and more.

View From the Top: Unleashing the Power of Zixi


View from the Top: Wowza Media Systems

如今,流媒体行业的增长不仅受到传统OTT流媒体需求增长的推动,还受到新企业和创作者用例扩张的推动. 特别是后一种用例正在推动像Wowza这样的提供商进行调整,使视频流更容易访问, more affordable, and more flexible implementations.

Key Considerations for Live Encoding

随着越来越多的直播内容在各种不同的设备上被消费,包括低端和高端手机和平板电脑, 以及智能电视和支持4k的机顶盒(stb)——围绕选择直播编码器的决定变得越来越复杂.

The Ultimate Guide to Live Encoding

在当今竞争激烈的在线视频市场中,体验质量至关重要,确保您的团队拥有适合您独特需求的编码器是关键. 流数据必须经过压缩才能在不牺牲质量的前提下高效传输. 虽然大多数编码器都满足这一要求,但它们在性能和特性集方面有所不同.

Discover LEXI 3.0: The Future of Automatic Captioning

由领先的直播和广播公司全球信任,Lexi 3.0, 艾媒旗舰字幕解决方案的全新改进版本, 利用人工智能的力量来提供与人类字幕相媲美的结果, at a fraction of the cost.


In recent years, the High Efficiency Streaming Protocol, commonly known as HESP, 是否显著提高了大规模超低延迟流的成本效益和性能.

Streaming Media 2023 Trendsetters: Introducing LTN Wave

IP is revolutionizing the media industry, delivering unprecedented innovation, flexibility, and scalability. To reap the full benefits of IP transport, 规模 their content reach, and drive new monetization opportunities, 媒体机构需要提供高可靠性的IP解决方案, 规模, and low latency.

Streaming Media 2023 Trendsetters: LEXI 3.0 - The Future of Automatic Captioning

Experience LEXI 3.0 -世界上最先进、最准确的自动字幕解决方案.

Streaming Media 2023 Trendsetters: WisePlay - Playout

WisePlay Playout旨在满足FAST和电视广播公司的苛刻需求.

调查显示:视频质量控制和监控对流媒体质量至关重要, 体验质量, and Customer Retention

Interra Systems和流媒体行业专家Dan Rayburn在2022年进行了一项调查,以更好地了解媒体公司在质量控制(QC)和监控其内容方面采取的步骤. The survey collected data from media industry decision makers. 这份白皮书深入分析了155名参与者的回答,并探讨了其中的关键发现, including why companies are implementing QC and monitoring, the extent to which they're doing so, and the key challenges they're facing.